Dealing with Climate Change skeptics.

Talking to people who don’t believe in climate change has been quite a journey. At first, I was really frustrated and confused. I mean, how could they ignore all the scientific evidence? But as I’ve talked to more people, I’ve learned to try and understand where they’re coming from.

Some of them just don’t have all the information, while others have different reasons, like politics or personal interests. Instead of arguing, I’ve found it’s better to listen and find common ground. For instance, some people care more about the economy, so I talk about how renewable energy can create jobs.

Others respond better to stories about how climate change affects real communities. I’ve also learned not to expect them to change their minds right away. It’s more about getting them to think and ask questions.

Dealing with people who aren’t willing to have an open mind is very frustrating for me. I have a lot of family members who have already made up their minds that climate change is going to pass, and it’s only ‘bad weather patterns’. As much as I love them, there’s a part of me that does not like how they aren’t willing to accept climate change. But then again, I know this helps me understand how to approach other people on the opposing side.

Looking forward to FringeCop!!!!

One response to “Dealing with Climate Change skeptics.”

  1. Sadly, I suspect that this is a frustration that you/we are going to face all our lives. Do you think that the problem with the deniers who are rigid, is that they cannot accept the possibility that this could be true because then the consequences are (apparently to them) too awful to consider?


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